Friday, March 6, 2009


hey readers,

ok i have read some comments and found out that this one girl SYASYA my related friend wants me to write about here so i am. BUT im not writing about her only,im gonna rite about my childhood friend,FYZAL also. so here it is 5,4,3,2,1 MY FRIENDS SPECIAL EDITION. im gonna write about syasya now.hmmmm let me think.SYASYA what do i like about her.(thinking)aha! syasya is a very gd and kind hearted friend.she is caring and lots of that i can describe.i spent most of the time wif her when i was std 2.OMG she is super nice.she also laughs every 3 seconds i think so thats all for syasya.HAPPY NOW SYASYA?9just kidding)

2.Fyzal,what about him to write???hmmm (thinking) and got an idea.Fyzal is a gd and friendly fren.i known him since i was 5 years old because we went to preschool together but he was in the evening while i was in the morning but still we were best buds.oh ya i oni fought with him once when i was in std 1 and he was in std 2.we fought against a stupid thing,GAME.but the fued only last for 1 minute.the feud comes to an end when fyzal cheer me thats fyzal a very funny guy and now he is in form 1.i only saw him yesterday but our friendship never breaks.


Elena ♥ said...


Imran dh tulis pasal Syasya, aku malas ah nk tulis pasal Syasya =D


But seriously >_>

Elena ♥ said...
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Anonymous said...

tulis x ikhlas...... (merajuk!!!!!!!!!!)

Elena ♥ said...


Syasya merajuk...=P

aku ada idea untuk pulihkan keadaan..!

Ideanya ialah...aku ikot merajuk skali :D

I join the club ~teehee~